How To Invest and Save With Replacement Windows

Upgrade Your Windows

Your home is one of the biggest investments you will make.

When most new homeowners take the first steps into their house they look at “what renovations can be done?” Understandable because you want to make your home fit your personality. Most of the time homeowners look at the paint, kitchen, floors maybe even the bathrooms, but most likely ignore the windows or think maybe they need a little touch up paint. WRONG.

Replacement windows come with a ton of benefits.  While they require some investment up front, in the long run you could be saving quite a bit! Energy efficient windows can have a noticeable impact on your heating and cooling bills year-round.  Who doesn’t like saving money?

Unfortunately, living in South Florida means you’re going to have to deal with hurricanes and your home needs to be protected. Storms and hurricanes mean high winds tossing branches, rocks, sometimes trees around outside and if those objects come in contact with any window, they will most likely end up in your home. If those objects do end up breaching your windows the pressure from the wind will follow causing extreme trouble for the structural integrity of your house. All the more reason to consider impact resistant windows. Impact resistant glass is perfect for homes in strong wind areas.

With all this information you are probably asking yourself, where do I start next?

This blog is going help you understand the steps of the replacement window process.

You will learn:

  • How to tell when it’s time to replace your windows
  • Why you should replace
  • How to choose the right window option
    • Material
    • Style
    • Glass
  • How energy efficient windows can benefit you
  • Why hurricane / storm windows can make a substantial difference

Let’s start off by understanding when the right time to replace your windows is. One simple way to find out if it’s the right time is to just stand next to your window.  Do you feel a difference in the air temperature? Is it warmer than the rest of your home? Is the glass warm to the touch? Do you feel a draft coming through? If you said yes to any of the questions, you may want to consider looking into replacement windows. Your old windows are letting air escape and infiltrate which is going to end up costing you.

The next step is choosing what type of material you would like to use. There are pros and cons to each material (see breakdown below).  Hopefully this will get you one step closer to choosing the best style for you.


Vinyl windows are one of the most cost-effective and safest products. It is also low maintenance due to corrosion resistance. Vinyl isn’t the strongest, and it is typically used away from the coast.

Wood windows offer the best insulation, but because of the potential to rot they are not suggested in humid or rainy climates. Wood frames are known to last a long time and many older homes still have their original wood frames.

Aluminum windows have the strength to meet building codes in coastal storm or hurricane areas. Although it is not the best for keeping heat in or out, this is a good bet for hot and humid areas.

Fiberglass windows are resistant to rotting, rusting and warping. You know what that means… they’re perfect for coastal areas.

Wood-Clad windows are a mixture of wood and aluminum cladding, so you get the warmth of a wood window and the strength of an aluminum window. The aluminum exterior protects against rainy and windy weather.

Energy Efficient Windows

As we jump into the hot summer months your energy bills will increase. Replacing your windows with energy efficient windows can lower your heating and cooling bills by

approximately 12%. How you may ask? Low-E coating is applied to the outside of the glass to reflect the sun when it is hot and the inside of the glass when it is cold to absorb the sun. Two things that you would need to look out for is the U-Value which tells you how much heat is transferred, and the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient which tells you what percent of heat passes through. Low-E coating helps reduce the constant pumping of air conditioning into your home trying to cool it down.

Three of the most practical efficient replacement windows.

Single or Double-hung windows are the most common windows found in homes. A single hung window features a sash that opens from just the bottom, and a double hung window opens from both the top and bottom.

Casement windows are also popular the South Florida area. This type of window comes in a variety of different sizes with the ability to crank open, allowing a breeze throughout your home.

Picture windows are the “go to” for Florida residents, framing your view of the coast. These windows do not open and are sometimes placed above a doorway or surrounded by other windows that do open.

Hurricane Impact Resistant

Another type of product that would be perfect for South Florida and Miami-Dade County is hurricane impact resistant glass. With the high occurrence of hurricanes in these parts, as we have seen this past year with Hurricane Irma, impact resistant windows are the ideal solution for hurricanes, tornados, and high winds. The glass goes through multiple testing scenarios to make sure its strong enough to withstand impact and high winds. The glass will break if hit with force, but it will spiderweb and stay intact. The spiderweb technique is designed to keep flying debris out of your home and more importantly the pressure from the winds from entering, potentially causing your roof to blow off.

A few reasons why you should consider impact resistant windows

  • Keep pressure from winds out of your home
  • Insurance companies may offer premium discounts
  • Exterior noise protection
  • Shattering glass
  • Security
  • Blocks UV light

Now you are ready to get started on your project. Remember there are many steps to take and you need to start making decisions on which material, style and type will best fit your home. Energy efficient windows will benefit your home because the Florida sun is strong and will continue to expose your home to outside forces.  Hurricane impact resistant windows are also something to consider for protecting your home from hurricanes that could be damaging. Stop wasting and start saving!